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June 6, 2023


Where to find usable DataSets?

One might use the following sources to find usable datasets for practice:

  1. Open data portals: Many governments and organizations provide open data portals where you can access and download datasets for various domains. Examples include,, and
  2. Kaggle: Kaggle is a popular platform for data science and machine learning competitions. It also hosts a large collection of datasets contributed by the community. You can explore different datasets on Kaggle and use them for practice.
  3. UCI Machine Learning Repository: The UCI Machine Learning Repository is a collection of datasets maintained by the University of California, Irvine. It covers a wide range of topics and provides datasets suitable for practicing EDA.
  4. is a platform that hosts a vast collection of datasets contributed by individuals, organizations, and communities. You can search for datasets based on different categories and topics.
  5. is a U.S. government website that provides access to a wide range of datasets from various federal agencies. It covers diverse topics such as agriculture, finance, health, transportation, and more.
  6. Academic research repositories: Many academic institutions maintain repositories where researchers share their datasets. These datasets can be a valuable resource for practicing EDA. Examples include the Harvard Dataverse and Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection.
  7. Social media and online communities: Data science communities on platforms like Reddit, GitHub, and Twitter often share interesting datasets for practice. You can follow relevant hashtags or join data science communities to discover new datasets.

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